Stories tagged #OfficePolitics

Rising Above Office Politics: Emilys Journey to Success
Office Politics • 9min read

Rising Above Office Politics: Emilys Journey to Success

The sun was setting on the dusty plains of the Wild West, casting long shadows across the deserted town. The saloon doors creaked open as a tall, rugged stranger sauntered in. He wore a wide-brimmed hat that shaded his eyes and a leather duster coat that flapped around his boots as he walked to the bar. The locals eyed him warily, but no one dared to speak up - this was not a man to be trifled with.

The Fall Guy: A Tale of Manipulation and Justice
Office Politics • 10min read

The Fall Guy: A Tale of Manipulation and Justice

The sun had set hours ago, and the moon provided the only light in the small village. The streets were empty, except for a young girl walking with purpose. She wore a long coat that brushed against her ankles as she walked, a hood covering her face. In her hand was a small wooden box, intricately carved with symbols that seemed to glow faintly in the pale moonlight.

Boundaries Tested: Secrets and Conflicts in a Close-Knit Team
Workplace Drama • 18min read

Boundaries Tested: Secrets and Conflicts in a Close-Knit Team

The sky was a deep shade of crimson as the sun began to set over the rugged mountains. Emma had been hiking for hours, and her legs were beginning to ache. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and take in the view. It was then that she noticed something strange - there was an old abandoned cabin nestled among the trees up ahead.

Disrupting the Office Hierarchy: The Arrival of a Charismatic New Coworker
Workplace Drama • 9min read

Disrupting the Office Hierarchy: The Arrival of a Charismatic New Coworker

In the heart of the dense jungle, there lies a mysterious temple, hidden from sight by centuries of overgrown foliage. The temple is said to hold secrets beyond imagination, treasures that could make even the poorest man rich beyond his wildest dreams. The legends surrounding this temple have been passed down for generations, and many adventurers have attempted to find it - but none have ever returned.

The Rise and Fall of John: A Tale of Deceit and Redemption
Workplace Drama • 11min read

The Rise and Fall of John: A Tale of Deceit and Redemption

The small town of Millfield had never experienced a crime as gruesome and baffling as the one that rocked its quaint streets on the night of August 4th. A local couple, the Johnsons, were found brutally murdered in their own home, with no apparent motive or suspect. The entire town was left reeling with shock and fear as the police scrambled to piece together any clues or leads.